Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Immortal Alcoholic: Not my choice...

The Immortal Alcoholic: Not my choice...: i have an alcoholic in my life too. i almost want to add, who doesn't? i can relate to this persons experiences and attitude. thank you.

a drug is a drug, is a drug; is said a lot around a.a. true i agree, nicotine, caffeine...etc.

i know too, that for me; a person with sociophobia, that medical marijuana works for me.

so, an alcoholic and a pot head live together...happily ever after i hope.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Playing Now !

If you a theatre (a setting for dramatic or important events) near you. Ella part 5!On the Road Again

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ella's Coming !

No...not like that you lesbian. Working on the Ella movie part five. Also been writing people about: Day of Silence see if you too can help our gay, straight, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered children.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Weekend

Ahhh. time to rest and rejuvenate. noticed that i wrote intentions to give 10% to pufmm and in another place,  10%  to god.  hmmm. Well, ten to god and the rest to God has fed and clothed me so far.
I'll keep the faith.

And.....i found music and pics for my book/movies..(what should i call them??) this is a great place for music and pics more..take a look: